10 BEST LATE GAME CHAMPIONS You NEED To Try – League of Legends Season 11
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0:00 Intro
0:18 Nasus
1:50 Veigar
2:51 Senna
4:08 QotD
4:27 Kayle
5:28 Kassadin
6:21 Karthus
7:18 Lulu
8:31 Vayne
9:27 Kog’maw
10:34 Master Yi
11:31 Vladimir (HM)
12:35 Outro
Concepts: Best ADC 11.16, Best support 11.16, best mid laners 11.16, best junglers 11.16, best top laners 11.16, patch 11.16 rundown, 11.16 lol, 11.16 changes, item buffs 11.16, dark seal nerfs 11.16 , diana nerfs 11.16 , fiora nerfs 11.16 , lee sin nerfs 11.16 , lulu nerfs 11.16 , tahm kench nerfs 11.16 , xin zhao nerfs 11.16 , ziggs nerfs 11.16 , fleet footwork buffs 11.16, redemption buffs 11.16, jarvan iv buffs 11.16, jhin buffs 11.16, maokai buffs 11.16, nunu buffs 11.16, shaco buffs 11.16, sivir buffs 11.16, vladimir buffs 11.16, sona changes 11.16,
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