Best PC Games Of ALL TIME -

Best PC Games Of ALL TIME

Logitech G
Views: 115617
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Drumroll please, this video is about the best PC games OF ALL TIME!

It’s no secret that we here at Logitech G love pc gaming. We love discovering new indie gems, preparing ourselves for a big AAA release and celebrating old favorites, it’s why we’re here! And as much as we want to tell you that we love each and every pc game equally- like our own pixelated children that just isn’t the case. We could easily talk for hours about all the games that deserve a spot on our list of Best PC Games of all time, but through a vote we’ve managed to narrow it down to a mere twenty games that we feel are really special.

So in this video we’ll be taking you through the best PC games of all time:

Intro 00:00
20 Divinity Original Sin 2 01:08
19 HALO 2 01:36
18 Journey 02:05
17 Assassin’s Creed 2 02:22
16 League of Legends 02:47
15 CS:GO 03:09
14 Hitman 03:38
13 Quake 04:04
12 Bioshock 04:32
11 Grand Theft Auto 5 04:54
10 Minecraft 05:18
9 Red Dead Redemption 2 05:59
8 The Sims 06:31
7 Deus Ex 07:11
6 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 08:02
5 Stardew Valley 08:40
4 Mass Effect 2 09:17
3 Dragon Age Inquisition 09:54
2 Skyrim 10:33
1 Half Life 2 11:21
Outro 12:16

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