Greatest Game of HORSE Ever | Brodie Smith -

Greatest Game of HORSE Ever | Brodie Smith

Brodie Smith
Views: 69339711
Like: 371562
Everyone has played HORSE, but not like this.
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► Click HERE for Girlfriend Reacts To My Trick Shots :

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► My Frisbee Tutorials!
► WATCH Bro vs. Pro!

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Always a blast to work with The Legendary Shots!
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Like the music? Check out City of Lions!
► DOWNLOAD “Here Is Love” HERE:

Darkhorse points if you’re made it this far!
Comment “THE BAT SHOT” so I know who you are!

~ PO Box Address ~
2831 Eldorado Parkway Ste 103-334 Frisco, TX 75033

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Just a dude and his frisbee. I post mostly Sports videos with the occasional comedy video (or at least I think its a comedy)

4-time National Champion, 3 Guinness World Records, Amazing Race Season 28, throws frisbees into trash cans, basketball hoops, and pretty much anything a frisbee will fit in to. Always down to try new things and ideas, so please let me know what vids you want to see. More family-friendly content coming your way!