This Deck Has The BEST Late Game - Legends of Runeterra -

This Deck Has The BEST Late Game – Legends of Runeterra

Views: 44867
Like: 1479
Sett Karma Serene Skysinger



00:00 Game 1
07:31 Game 2
18:44 Game 3
24:01 Game 4
28:09 Game 5

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Snnuy, Mogwai, MajinBae, GrappLr all play Legends of Runeterra. Ranked, seasonals, the best decks, deck guide, new event and new decks. LoR is a card game based on League of Legends champions.

Legends of Runeterra is a 2020 digital collectible card game developed and published by Riot Games. Inspired by the physical collectible card game Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone.

#lor #LegendsofRuneterra #Snnuy