Top 15 Best Strategy Games for iOS/Android in 2020
[00:00] Intro
[00:15] #1 Rome: Total War — Barbarian Invasion
[00:44] #2 Grow Empire: Rome
[01:20] #3 Civilization VI
[01:55] #4 War Commander: Rogue Assault
[02:14] #5 Age of Ottoman
[02:40] #6 Dawn of Titans: Strategy Game
[03:07] #7 DomiNations
[03:37] #8 MechCom 3
[04:10] #9 Iron marines
[04:30] #10 BattlePlans
[05:05] #11 Badland Brawl
[05:40] #12 Plague Inc.
[06:06] #13 Incursion Tower Defense
[06:34] #14 Auto Chess
[07:08] #15 Dota Underlords
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